Prevenar 20

Prevenar 20

【全新】20價肺炎鏈球菌結合疫苗(Prevnar 20)20價結合型肺炎鏈球菌疫苗(Prevnar 20)適用於18歲以上成人接種,預防因肺炎鏈球菌引發的侵入性疾病及肺炎,除了原有的13種血清型病毒(1、3、4、5、6A、6B、7F、9V、14、18C、19A、19F、23F)外,還增加了與侵襲性肺炎鏈球菌感染症(invasive pneumococcal disease,IPD)、高致死率及抗生

Price: Tel:

Provided by PFIZER, approved by US FDA and EU EMA.

Recommended vaccination population:

For *high-risk group* age 18 or older

65 years and over

Vaccination guidelines:

Only one injection is required for patients over 18 years old.

Our doctor will first evaluate the condition of clients and decides to inject or not, and then will be injected by our professional registered nurse. After injection, the antibody is effective for a long period of time. No repeated vaccination is necessary. Needle pain and redness may occur after injection.

* High-risk situations * include:

(a) have had invasive pneumococcal disease

(b) Lack of immune function:

– Spleen-free, AIDS, primary immunodeficiency

– Lack of immune function related to cancer and organ transplants

– Lack of immune function related to the use of immunosuppressants or steroids

(c) Chronic diseases:

– Chronic heart, lung, liver or kidney disease

– Leakage of diabetes or cerebrospinal fluid

(d) Cochlear implant

(High blood pressure itself is not a high-risk situation)