Hepatitis A and B Vaccine
Hepatitis is an infectious disease caused by a viral infection that results from the body being exposed to a viral
Systemic infection caused by invasion, in which the damage to the liver is the most serious
What is Hepatitis A and B?
Hepatitis A and hepatitis B are both types of liver infection. The medium of transmission and the incubation period are different. The incubation period of hepatitis A is 15 to 50 days, while the incubation period of hepatitis B can be as long as 6 months.
The condition of hepatitis A is also milder than that of hepatitis B. Hepatitis A rarely causes acute liver failure, but about a quarter of hepatitis B patients will develop liver cirrhosis or liver cancer, and severe cases may lead to liver failure and even death.
How hepatitis is spread:
Hepatitis A: The main route of infection is unclean food and water, shellfish and uncooked food.
Hepatitis B: It is mainly transmitted by the blood and body fluids of the infected person (such as ear piercing or tattooing with unsterilized or contaminated needles, sharing shavers or toothbrushes, sexual contact, etc.).
Suitable for:
6 months to 15 years: TWINRIX JUNIOR
16 years or older: TWINRIX ADULT
Vaccination schedule:
0, 1, 6
The second dose must be given one month after the first dose, and the third dose must be given six months after the second dose