Injection of hepatitis A vaccine can make people produce antibodies against hepatitis A virus infection.
Hepatitis A is one of the types of viral hepatitis. It is transmitted through the intestinal tract. The virus can be transmitted through contaminated drinking water, food and hands of patients. Hepatitis A can cause jaundice and acute hepatitis, and even liver failure and death in severe cases. Children are vaccinated against hepatitis A, which can effectively produce antibodies and increase immunity.
Way for Spreading
Hepatitis A virus can survive in fresh or salt water for up to 12 months, and can also survive in food for more than a few days, so there is a chance of infection through the following ways:
■ Eating undercooked food contaminated with viruses, especially shellfish.
■ Drinking water contaminated with viruses that has not been properly treated.
■ Close contact with an infected patient.
Incubation Period:
2 - 6 weeks
Who should not be vaccinated:
• Hypersensitivity to any component of the vaccine
• People who have a fever
Recommended vaccination age:
1 year or older
(1-18 years old use children's formula, Adult formula for ages 19+)