Shingrix Vaccine (2 doses)
>18 years of age who are immunocompromised & aged 50 years and above
Shingles can relapse at anytime
Herpes Zoster, also named Shingles, is a contagious disease caused by varicella-zoster virus infection. Once chickenpox has resolved, the virus remains inactive in nerve cells. Shingles may happen to people who have had chickenpox before, even if you are in good health. The treatment includes antiviral drugs within 72h of the appearance of skin rash. However, the initial symptoms may not be apparent, patients may have missed the perfect timing of treatment.
Almost every adult can develop Shingles
In Shingles, pain is excruciating
Where the virus is reactivated, virus travels along the nerve to the skin of different parts of body. Different affected body parts may cause different medical conditions. Serious cases may lead to facial nerve paralysis, vision loss or even blindness and deafness.
30% of patients suffer from post-herpetic neuralgia (PHN)
Patients can suffer from neuralgia for up to several years, for example:
Patients experience acute pain with even a slight touch to the skin. Some patients will use painkillers in the long term, which affects their quality of life.
A New Generation of Prevention SHINGRIX
SHINGRIX (ZOSTER VACCINE RECOMBINANT, ADJUVANTED) The preferred vaccine against Shingle recommended by CDC, the only shingles vaccine to provide over 90% efficacy in all age groups, protect against Herpes Zoster (HZ) and Post-herpetic neuralgia (PHN), and reduce the risk of other complications.
People with
>18 years of age who are immunocompromised & aged 50 years and above, even you have received zoster vaccine before. The above are suggested to receive Shingrix (recombinant) to protect against Shingles.
SHINGRIX time of vaccination
Suitable for >18 years of age who are immunocompromised & aged 50 years and above
There is no contraindication for immunocompromised patients
Most frequently reported side effects include pain at the injection site, myalgia, fatigue and headache, last for 2 to 3 days averagely
Shingles Q&A
Q:If I have had Shingles before, can I receive Shingrix vaccination?
A:CDC suggested that you should receive Shingrix vaccination, to prevent its relapse.
Q:If I have received Zoster Vaccine Live before, Should I receive Shingrix again?
A:CDC suggested that you should receive Shingrix vaccination.
Q:If I am not certain of my medical history of chinkenpox, Can I receive Shingrix?
A:CDC suggested that everyone >18 years of age who are immunocompromised & aged 50 years and above, even not certain with chinkenpox history, can receive Shingrix vaccination.
Q:How many doses of Shingrix vaccine should I receive?
A:CDC suggested that anyone >18 years of age who are immunocompromised & aged 50 years and above, without any Shingles vaccination beforehand, should receive 2 doses of Shingrix recombinant vaccine.